Well, it was pretty funny at first. This guy wearing a hot pink shirt is quite an amusing sight on its own. However, it might be a good idea to read what it says before you start laughing at him! The fact that he is apparently wearing your girlfriend’s shirt is clearly no laughing matter. While we doubt that your girlfriend has a thing for much, much older men, you might want to check her wardrobe for any similar kinds of shirts.

Yes, Yes, Food Makes Us Dumb
We all know what it feels like to fall in love with food, right? You will probably be drooling and wagging your figurative tail when your favorite dish is about to be served! Oops, we got a little sidetracked there so let us go back to the shirt at hand. Clearly, food has the ability to make us all dumb. We are quite sure that whoever designed this shirt does not speak English very well.

Yes, Yes, Food Makes Us Dumb