Attention Seeker
It must be difficult being the only daughter among sons. For one thing, your opinion will always be drowned out by the noise boys make. However, she was able to find a solution to her problems. We cannot tell whether she is overjoyed to have finally found a way to be listened to, or if she is just purely indignantly amused. Either way, keep farting lady and let us hope that you finally get the attention that you deserve.

Attention Seeker
Hysterical T-Shirts Win
We bet you had to take another look at this photo! We did a double-take ourselves. How brilliant is this t-shirt? More importantly, where can we get one? This man is having the life squeezed out of him by an enormous giant, and from his expression, we can tell that he is incredibly uncomfortable. Let us hope that this shirt shows him some mercy soon, and loosens its grip on his intestines!

Hysterical T-Shirts Win