Jesus Or Pepsi
We are usually made to choose between two things: temptation and the right path. However, if you get the opportunity to get both the Pepsi you’ve been craving and the righteous path, you’re clearly doing something right. While some of our more religious readers might find this shirt rather blasphemous, the message is not, and her certainly has made the right choice by pursuing worship over sin. Keep praying, buddy!

Jesus Or Pepsi
It Really Is Difficult
We will have to agree with what this says. English is a language that must be tough to learn as some rules don’t make any sense! If you need an example, just think about quiet, quite, and quit. This young cowboy will certainly be choosing simpler words in the future. We also agree with your shirt’s message wholeheartedly. As writers, no one knows how difficult spelling is better than we do!

It Really Is Difficult