Caution Captivity Man
We need to warn you about Captivity Man! Pray that you never run into him. He is so dangerous, run away! The police have been doing their best to capture the elusive degenerate for many years now, and he has developed something of a cult status, prompting the printing of shirts to celebrate his iconically slippery nature. Just make sure that you steer clear of this rascal. He is nothing but trouble!

Caution Captivity Man
These don’t really count as t-shirt fails, though they deserve a special mention anyway. This is one trend we don’t mind seeing! They have been married since 1962 and it’s great to see that they are still in love. This is not a fail, but either an incredibly touching testament to love. We hope that this couple continues to share each other’s love for sport and whatever team they support for many years to come.
