Can We Clarify?
Hmm, does your boyfriend “seen” nice or does he “seem” nice? It’s probably the latter as the former doesn’t make any sense. It’s a nice shirt, though! We cannot help but read this as ‘your seen, boyfriend nice.’ The spacing is highly irregular, leading to some awful syntax. Well, someone’s boyfriend was seen as being nice, good for him! We really do think that the nice boyfriends out there need more recognition.

Can We Clarify?
Well Said
Whoa, this is so true. We bet that this guy has asked plenty of questions over the course of his life. Maybe he has been called some names that he found pretty unflattering as well. He’s not fazed, however. Where do you stand? Would you rather be known as a conceited jerk or an intellectually defective doofus? Frankly, we love coming across as the former. We do have a reputation to uphold, after all.

Well Said