Almost Right
They almost got it right! Close, but no cigar. Between those letters and actual numbers, you will find a half… twelve and a half or thirteen and a half. We do not know why we found this so extraordinarily hilarious. It is so utterly childish, but at the same time so brilliant. We might come across as rather lofty with our judgments of so many people’s senses of humor, but we are truly immature.

Almost Right
The Last Day He Wore That Shirt
Nope, it did not need to be written all over his face as it was already printed all over his shirt! There are shirts that one should not wear in the delivery room. It seems like both soon-to-be parents have suddenly regretted the dad-to-be’s sense of humor as the crushing reality of childbirth becomes increasingly and rapidly more apparent. The mother-to-be seems incredibly unhappy with his choice of flippant clothing.

The Last Day He Wore That Shirt