The Perfect Bite
Surely it wasn’t planned but to this beautiful trio picture, we have Marilyn Monroe stealing the focus out of these lovely women. The positioning doesn’t leave much room for imagination. Was Marylin known for chomping on people’s private parts? While we are not sure, the Marylin on this lady’s shirt clearly needs a bit of reigning in. We strongly suggest that this woman reconsider her choice of shirts when going in for a group hug.

The Perfect Bite
Is It Worth Asking?
There are certain situations that you simply do not want any involvement in. If you ask us, we would say that the reconciliation between this guy and his friend counts. It’s definitely an issue that they should resolve by themselves. Lesson learned: do not call a friend a duck! This is a classic case of Asian shirts with random English text on them that makes no hilarious sense at all.

Is It Worth Asking?