Discovering The Hidden Mystery Beneath The Niagara Falls

Published on 03/08/2020

A Dangerous Mission

As engineers unveiled the truth about the rocks, they abandoned their first mission and went with another. The fact they discovered was that the stones were there as a form of support for the cliffs, and removing them could be detrimental to the location.

A Dangerous Mission

A Dangerous Mission

Well, that’s just how life is, you can never know the truth until you get a more in-depth look at the reality of things.
For a fact, they had put in some hard work into getting them where they were, but realizing what was happening, the only option was to abort the initial plans. Saving the cliff was a more viable thing to do.


The Idea Of A Permanent Dam

Seeing the first plans were not to be materialized, they came up with the idea of building a permanent dam. However, with much research and investigation, they later found out this too would be a case of danger to the American Falls, so they then dropped those plans.

The Idea Of A Permanent Dam

The Idea Of A Permanent Dam

Thus, neither the rocks were removed nor a dam built as an alternative. So, was the operation a failed attempt at achieving the desired result? For the most part, yes, it was! Though they were able to discover what lay beneath the waterfalls, and the skeletons were found, they couldn’t do anything with the general falls.