Finding The Perfect Solution
Both Canada and the United States have been working well together in preserving and maintaining what nature gave them. As such, they have come up with a viable solution that would benefit both industries and satisfy the needs of all nature lovers.

Finding The Perfect Solution
They agreed that during the nights and winter season, most tourists stay away from the falls; thus, industrials could use up to 75% of the water from the falls for their production. However, during the spring, summer, and other fair weather, industrials can only use up to 50% of the water. The authorities also permitted to alter the lip of the Horseshoe Falls to the industrials, which in turn created a fantastic illusion of a powerful flow.
What About The Falls Today?
Niagara Falls is still in its prime of beauty to date, and millions of tourists visit every year. For now, there are no “evident changes” in the waterfalls, and the agreement made back in the early 19th century is still in effect to this day. No one knows, however, what will happen in the years to come.

What About The Falls Today
We never know if another group of engineers might want to stop the flow again to see the changes in the water bed for the last five decades. We can already predict what may lie on the river bed should they agree to repeat history, some coins, a few more rocks piled up and, of course, hundred more skeletal remains.