TV Shows Of The 50s, 60s, And 70s That Have Been Forgotten

Published on 04/26/2021

Coronado 9

Star Actors: Rod Cameron
Released: September 6, 1960
Total Seasons: 1
Production Cost: $60,000 Per Episodes (Depending on Inflation)

Many people would always be fascinated to see Rod Cameron as he was a popular face for TV shows in the 50s and 60s. As such, when Coronado 9 came out, the production team was looking for a major hit. The show featured Cameron, playing the character of Dan Adams, who used his US Navy experience to solve crime and mystery cases.

Coronado 9

Coronado 9

Even though there was much hype about the show being released, it seemingly fell short of the true goal they intended to achieve. The show only managed to go to 39 episodes, and maybe it was due to a few personal issues going on in Cameron’s life. Interestingly, during the filming of the show, Cameron divorced his wife and married her mother. This pushed the director to label him the bravest man he has ever come across.


Diver Dan

Star Actors: Allen Swift, Frank D. Freda, Suzanne Turner
Released: January 4, 1960
Total Seasons: N/A
Production Cost: Unknown

Kids in the 60s were not as hard to please as kids nowadays, even though there were no smartphones and other technology devices. The form of entertainment during the day was non-computerized toys and animation that only came alive in mind. Cartoons, too, were a bit popular, especially with programs such as Diver Dan, an NBC-aired program.

Diver Dan

Diver Dan

The series featured a diver who would explore life underwater and done in a live format with puppet fish. The effects of the series were done via shooting through an aquarium. A total of 104 short films were made but had to be accumulated to make 30-minute shows. The other short films were directed to other programs like Felix & Diver Dan.