A 19-Year-Old Giant Called Andre

A 19 Year Old Giant Called Andre
The World Wrestling Federation has a remarkable history, not least is the story of Andre the Giant, who was often called the ëighth wonder of the world because of his huge size. He competed against Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania 1. Ultimately, Andre died from his condition, called gigantism. The thing that made him so famous and successful would also become his fatal achiles heel when the enormous pressure inside his massive body caused him to die from congestive heart failure.
A Boy and his Dog

A Boy And His Dog
All through the ages, the dog is always man’s best friend. This old pic highlights the timeless relationship, as a boy tries to get his golf ball from the pond, his dog holds his jacket so he doesn’t fall in. You could only wish to have a friend that cares for you this much, that naturally knows when you need help without a word. They say that we do not deserve dogs, and this picture proves that.