The Transcontinental Railroad track

The Transcontinental Railroad Track
What an amazing (unedited) picture! A native American man looks out over the railroad track in Nevada in 1868. These pioneering railroads were the skeleton or framework of the America that we understand today, allowing essential supplies, materials, and people to travel across formerly inaccessible and incredibly lengthy routes in a short amount of time. Every American citizen owes its current livelihood and successes to the invaluable efforts of the men and women that gave their lives to these missions.
World’s first Selfie, 1900

World’s First Selfie, 1900
They say this could be the first selfie ever taken. It was taken by a woman in 1900 whilst standing in front of her mirror with a camera. Very cool! While she must have thought that he was on to something incredible with this neat trick, and she was, she could have never guessed that a whole century later, most people would be taking endless pictures of themselves like crazy.