The Blitz of London

The Blitz Of London
This epic picture of a London woman sitting on a pile of rubble whilst drinking a cup of tea was taken in 1940 after a German raid, during the London Blitz. The photo would instantly be used as propaganda to further entrench the iconic British sentiment of ‘keep calm and carry on.’ Despite many big cities in London being reduced to blazing rubble, it seemed like nothing could diminish the stoic determination and cooperation of the English population.
A Young Abraham Lincoln

A Young Abraham Lincoln
Taken in or about 1840, this is the earliest known photograph of Abraham Lincoln. This youthful and fresh-faced appearance (without the iconic facial hair) made for an incredible contrast to the wizened and epically grandfatherly look that Lincoln maintained when he was managing the American Civil War. As you can tell from this photograph, Lincoln was imposing in physical stature as well as political, being 6 ft 4 (which is very tall even by today’s standards) and incredibly built.