Highwire artist Above Cologne

Highwire Artist Above Cologne
A photographer snapped this shot of a highwire artist making her way across the wire above the ruins of Heumarkt, Cologne in 1946. Can you believe her courage? It seemed like this person decided to bring some entertainment and inspiration to a population struggling with the complete devastation of their city. It is moments like these were some people, despite having endured the worst kind of terror, still manage to find exceptional bravery.
After Pearl Harbour

After Pearl Harbour
This picture was the scene after the Pearl Harbour Japanese attack on 7 December 1941. While it is difficult to imagine the true scale of devastation that the Japanese wrought on Pearl Harbor, images like this help to fill in the blanks. Oblivious and unprepared, this enormous naval base was caught completely off guard as hundreds of Japanese planes soared about laying waste to an entire fleet of enormous and indefensible navy ships, planes, and buildings.