Castro and Che – Gone Fishing

Castro And Che Gone Fishing
Sharing some relaxation time together, here we can see Fidel Castro and Che Guevara fishing together in 1960. The two were incredible friends and comrades whose combined leadership was integral in the communist Cuban Revolution’s success. Sadly, the pair would later go their separate ways, with Castro organizing his former friend’s assassination. Castro would then have bigger problems on his hands than dealing with the guilt of having his best friend murdered.
Samurai – Japan

Samurai Japan
Taken in 1870 in Japan, this photograph shows a Japanese Samurai in traditional dress. This would be one of the last members of the proud warrior class, as Japan would begin its modernization in a few years and do away with its former antiquated soldiers and begin joining the industrialized world with more universally recognizable armed infantry. The Samurai spirit is still honored in Japan, however, guiding much of its philosophies and work ethics.