Booze Trouble

Booze Trouble
Prohibition sparked off a huge black market for alcohol. Here are some bootleggers who got caught smuggling booze into Detroit, Michigan. The banning of alcohol led to a phenomenal increase in crime, where infamous icons like Al Capone capitalized on the Prohibition by establishing illicit underground booze networks. The failure of the Prohibition and American’s dogged pursuit of booze even under the threat of imprisonment proved that you cannot stop people from enjoying their favorite recreations.
Brave or Crazy?

Brave Or Crazy
This epic picture of a nuclear explosion was taken by a photographer who was far too close to the actual blast for comfort. The blast itself only took 16 milliseconds to reach him. During the Cold War, thousands of British soldiers were used as guinea pigs to test the effects of nuclear radiation. As if Nagasake and Hiroshima were not proof enough. Tragically, many of these men died from horrifying cancers.