Albert Einstein with his Mini-me

Albert Einstein With His Mini Me
The puppet of Albert Einstein purportedly belonged to a travelling group of performers who were touring across the US for many years and this photo was taken in 1930. They were said to feature marionette puppets in their performances. Don’t you think Einstein looks quite pleased with his mini-me? We would love to have been treated to the show, and wonder what the jokes were about. Probably some cheeky but harmless satirizing of the brainy scientist and mathematician.
The 3,000 Pairs of Hands that Built the Chase Building

The 3,000 Pairs Of Hands That Built The Chase Building
In 1964, after the Manhattan Company merged with Chase, this 810 feet tall building in New York City was built to house the newly merged business. Not yet fitted with windows, the building was photographed together with the 3000 people who built it. We’re glad there were no accidents, as nothing was stopping the people from falling out at the time! Not that they would need much help, given their famously acrobatic balance.