Lemonade Entrepreneur in Berlin, 1931

Lemonade Entrepreneur In Berlin, 1931
With a business mindset, this young boy was ready to take on the world! It seems a very advanced set -up for the 1930s as even today’s kids just operate with a simple table and pitcher set up. Little over a decade later, boys this age would be consricpted into the Wehrmacht to fight against the Allies as they burrowed their way into Germany. This desperation was brought on by Hitler’s atrocious refusal to surrender, throwing the old and the young alike into the fray.
Before she was Marilyn Monroe

Before She Was Marilyn Monroe
Norma Jean was a shy girl with a slight stutter which came out when she was nervous. It never went away completely. It was said she had a hard time communicating with people. She was apparently just a normal girl before she became famous and became the iconic Marilyn Monroe. Which is your preferred version of Marilyn? The sweet girl-next-door or the fabulous starlet? Either way, she was flawlessly beautiful in both incarnation.