Dog-fan, Mark Twain

Dog Fan, Mark Twain
Mark Twain, who also went by the name Samuel Clemens was said to adore dogs. He kept three of them himself, called I Know, You Know, and Don’t Know and dogs were a big inspiration throughout his successful and iconic life. Before he died, he wrote about going to Heaven saying “Heaven goes by favour. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”
The Construction of the Twin Towers

The Construction Of The Twin Towers
The Port Authority forked out more than $900 million, after first beginning construction in 1966. The North Tower was finished first and started accepting tenants in 1970 and the South Tower, in 1972. By 1979 both buildings were sold out. Although the building attracted a lot of controversy at first as it took down other well-loved buildings in the process of building it, today they firmly hold their place in New York’s mottled history.