Someone Funny, Someone Clever

Someone Funny, Someone Clever
Not many people realize that Albert Einstein and Charlie Chaplin were the best of friends. This pic was taken when Einstein was travelling to the US and was on a tour of Universal Studios. He happened to meet Chaplin while there and the two hit it off, becoming lifelong friends. Not surprising, given that the two giants were the leaders in their respective positions, comedy and science. We would love to know what they talked about!
Dalai Lama as a Child

Dalai Lama As A Child
The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, was only 15 years old when he took control of Tibet and had many followers from a very young age. Born in 1935 to a family of farmers, he would go on to rule Tibet from 1950. The spiritual leader would then be disposed and exiled from his country when China took over, devoting the rest of his life to reclaiming his sovereignty. So far, he has had no success in the matter.