39. Dennis Hopper And Michelle Phillips
If you think that modern celebrities have whirlwind relationships, you haven’t witnessed anything yet that can equal to the passion that Michelle Phillips and Dennis Hopper shared. The actor from “Apocalypse Now” got married to the singer who would eventually become his wife on the spur of the moment. Phillips finally decided that she wanted to focus more on her professional life, despite the fact that the couple had been married for only eight days at that point.

39 Dennis Hopper And Michelle Phillips
38. Mikhail Baryshnikov And Jessica Lange
In 1976, the fact that Jessica Lange, a well-known actress from Hollywood, was dating Mikhail Baryshnikov, a ballet dancer from Russia, caused quite a stir in the media. When she started chasing the famous ballet dancer, she had not yet completed the formal process of divorcing her husband. This is the reason why this is the case. The troubled relationship persisted until the year 1982, at which time the pair became parents to a girl who would later become known as Aleksandra Lange “Shura” Baryshnikov.

38 Mikhail Baryshnikov And Jessica Lange