Future Mother-In-Law Does Something Unbelievable and Unforgivable

Published on 04/09/2020

The New Deal

Rick suddenly found himself trying to quell a civil war. He had both women screaming in his ears, and he once more had to play the role of a UN diplomat. Following Tracey’s uncomfortable revelations, Rick knew that the time had come to confront his mother. Torn between his overbearing mother and unhappy fiancé, Rick found himself stretched. Throughout this entire troubled relationship, Rick had suffered incredibly, and he was getting tired.

The New Deal

The New Deal


Hopeful Aspirations

Eventually, Rick saw that he was responsible for ensuring that his growing family would be happy together. Without his father at his side, he knew that he would have to be the leading man in the growing family and take charge. Simply put, he put his mother in her place, and finally established healthy boundaries between them. Tracey positively commented on his initiative and how it stopped these odd occurrences from continuing.

Hopeful Aspirations

Hopeful Aspirations