Future Mother-In-Law Does Something Unbelievable and Unforgivable

Published on 04/09/2020


In truth, this entire ordeal reveals a severe lack of awareness. Such a shocking dedication to perfecting every little detail makes for worthy reading. While everyone is entitled to joy and love, they cannot do it at the expense of others. Money isn’t some magically infinite resource. Demanding that other people cough up unreasonable amounts of cash for someone’s wedding is just selfish. Beyond the limit of one-thousand dollars that she demanded from her friends, there were also the travel charges attached to visiting Hawaii.





With this sensational story has reached its conclusion, one may be wondering just how the wedding turned out, if at all. We as the invested readers can only wait and find out. Of course, we would never want their relationship to fall on hard times, but we also would like this odd couple to take the feelings and finances of their friends and families into consideration. Ultimately, this bride needs to take a good, hard look at herself and reconsider her actions. No one should ever be bullied into going out of their way, even for a wedding. If she keeps up this childish behavior, she can expect to get married in front of very few people. Maybe she will one day get her ideal wedding day!

