You’ll Be Shocked To Know What The World’s Most Iconic Songs Really Mean

Published on 02/28/2022

The One I Love

The hit “The One I Love” by R.E.M. was not written as a romantic song, contrary to common belief, and even if many people chose to devote it to their lovers, it isn’t a love song. The hit, while not quite the exact opposite of the preceding one, does convey interpersonal emotional pain as well as being repeatedly utilized as some “prop.” In the words of the band’s main vocalist, Michael Stipe, this hit is “very aggressive…,” according to the magazine Musician. Everyone can see that it’s all about reusing individuals over and over again in order to achieve success.

The One I Love

The One I Love


Take Me Home

This song by Phil Collins, is certainly among his most renowned tunes. Unfortunately, most people misinterpret the song’s content, believing it to talk about a guy returning home, which is far from the truth. In this particular situation, however, this isn’t the case. In 1975, Stephen King’s psycho-thriller novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was released, and the song was inspired by the book and film adaptation. Following the lyrics, it is stated that the song talks about a guy who has returned home after having been a patient confined in a psychiatric facility.

Take Me Home

Take Me Home