As the world looks to become sustainable in the long run, more people are deciding to “get off the grid” so to speak, installing solar panels in their homes, and starting their own herb and vegetable gardens. While the former requires a fair bit of planning and saving, starting your own garden doesn’t have to be such a challenge. Today, we’ll discuss why growing your own herb garden is easier than you think, while looking at some of the long term benefits it can bring you too.

Why Growing Your Own Herb Garden Is Easier Than You Think
1. It Doesn’t Need a Lot of Space
Herb gardens can take up the smallest of spaces, whether you have an existing garden and space to start a new section, or if you’re looking to create a DIY mini garden on your apartment balcony. The myth is that you need a lot of space to have a successful herb garden, but as with most things, quality matters over quantity. Taking great care of a small amount of space is far better than a mismanaged larger space, which can mean the difference between success and failure as a gardener in the first place.
2. It Requires Less Water and Light Than You Think
Most herbs require a lot less water and light than you might think. The most “drought tolerant” herbs include rosemary, thyme, and oregano, which are great to use in a variety of dishes for dinner. Some of the most popular herbs don’t need a lot of sunlight either, meaning your maintenance time is less than anticipated, and the plant will “do its thing” to an extent, while you worry about your day-to-day errands and challenges.

It Requires Less Water And Light Than You Think
3. Relatively Inexpensive To Set Up and Maintain
Herb gardens are subsequently a lot less expensive to set up and to maintain, as they really don’t require a lot of input or constant care and maintenance. While you may want to buy some initial garden supplies to make life easier, and for you to be able to cultivate your crops from time to time, a lot of the items needed can probably be found as spares in your own home, or at that of a friend or family member. Tell people that you’ve started your own garden, and let them know that you wouldn’t say no to any help from them. You may end up with a lot of advice, and even more tools than you can use!
4. Handy When Needed, Especially When Budgets Are Tight
We’ve all been there; the 20th of the month swings around, and the household budget is a little tight for groceries before payday. This is common amongst most households, but the difference between having to settle for instant noodles vs. having options for delicious herbs and flavors lies in your ability to successfully utilize the herb garden at home. How wonderful is it to be able to hop over to the balcony or the garden and to cut a few herbs to add to your “month end” meal? This makes herb gardens tremendously handy, offering more perks than initially meets the eye.