Some Awesomely Unexpected Coca-Cola Usages

Published on 05/13/2020

A Treatment For Nausea

This is one of the better-known treatments for nausea. A flat can or bottle of coke works wonders on an upset stomach. Don’t gulp the stuff down, however. What you want to do is swallow one teaspoon’s worth each hour until the nausea subsides. Say goodbye to indigestion medicine! Rather than guzzling down on some horrible tasting peptobysmol, you can instead enjoy the sweet taste of Coke, even if you prefer it fizzy.

A Treatment For Nausea

A Treatment For Nausea


Clearing Up That Snotty Nose

While Coke is unrecommended by dieticians, its comprehensive usage in the home makes it incredibly handy. Here is another fantastic medicinal use for Coke, which when boiled up and sipped like tea, is bound to clear up even the most congested of noses. Just make sure to keep track of the boiling process, as Coke can evaporate into burned sugar crystals. You might want to ask your doctor how this process works, but we have tried it, and it works!

Clearing Up That Snotty Nose

Clearing Up That Snotty Nose