Some Awesomely Unexpected Coca-Cola Usages

Published on 05/13/2020

Getting Rid Of Slimy Garden Pests

While this use for Coke isn’t very vegan-friendly, the dedicated gardeners among us will insist that snails and slugs need to be dealt with properly. These slimy pests can easily eat their way through lovingly cared for plants. To get rid of uninvited dinner guests in your garden, leave a bowl filled with Coke outside. The sweet scent will lure them in, and the acidity will take care of them once and for all.

Getting Rid Of Slimy Garden Pests

Getting Rid Of Slimy Garden Pests


Polishing Car Battery Terminals

The wear and tear of a car battery is just part of driving. You don’t need to let its terminals rust to breaking point, however, when you can simply use Coke to clean off the debris which stops the current flow. Leave your car battery terminals in a tub of Coca-Cola and witness the results! This will also save you from an expensive and unnecessary trip to the mechanic’s shop.

Polishing Car Battery Terminals

Polishing Car Battery Terminals