Uncommon Facts About Iran That Might Surprise You

Published on 04/05/2020

Flexibility Around Marriage Laws

They say that progress comes with its fair share of obstacles. In 1967, the Marriage Protection Law raides the age of marriage to 18 for men, and 15 for women. Later, it was raised even higher, to 18 and 20 respectively. Problem is, it was nullified in 1979, and the original ages of 13 and 15 were reinstated as per the way things stand to this day.

Flexibility Around Marriage Laws

Flexibility Around Marriage Laws


Voting Responsibility

Voting laws have also been changed to apply better to youngsters, especially considering that people can be married right as they enter into their teenage years. In Iran, it’s legal to vote from when you turn 15. This gives the youth a stronger voice than they might have elsewhere in the world, especially when it comes to legislative changes.

Voting Responsibility

Voting Responsibility