Uncommon Facts About Iran That Might Surprise You

Published on 04/05/2020

Corrective Surgeries

Surprisingly enough, corrective surgeries (formerly sex changes) are legal in Iran. Even more surprisingly, the State is happy to fund these procedures. This is one of the few areas where Iran is more flexible and open regarding social issues, when compared to Western nations.

Corrective Surgeries

Corrective Surgeries


The Marriage Test Drive

While two people may fall in love quickly, whether they are a good match to be married for life is an entirely different story. Don’t forget about the divorce laws we discussed earlier. In Iran, there is a common practice called Sigheh, which gives couples the chance to suss out a short-term marriage to see if it will work. This can last for a few hours, up to a few years.

The Marriage Test Drive

The Marriage Test Drive