Nowhere To Be Found
It seemed as though the biological parents did not want to be found as the caseworkers searched to no avail. Despite printing ads in the newspapers and even on Facebook, no one stepped out with any information regarding the baby boy that was abandoned. Having left the baby to fend for himself, it was obvious to anyone that they did not want to be reunited with Grayson, or whatever his name was before he had been abandoned.

Nowhere To Be Found
It’s Official
In May 2017 Grayson became a permanent part of Katie’s life. At just 11 months old, he was now legally Katie’s son. She could not have been any happier that their family was finally official! As you can see from the picture below, this was a triumphant moment for the new mother and her darling son, being brought to joyful tears as she had finally and officially been delivered a child of her own.

It’s Official