Heart-Breaking Battle
Despite the doctors confirming that Grayson would not suffer long-term effects of the drug exposure, given his negative experiences in vitro, Katie would still confront the challenge of delayed physical developments and milestones. The matter had affected him, and Katie was prepared to do her best for him. She knew that this was not going to be an easy ride for either of them, but she would do her best to help her son through any challenge.

Heart-Breaking Battle
Waiting For The Right Time
When Grayson was eighteen months old, Katie considered taking in one more foster child although she felt the time was not right just yet. She may have received numerous calls regarding placements, but they were only short-term, and Katie was hoping for a long-term arrangement. After having fostered four children already, she could not bear to go through the heartbreak of parting ways with an adored child for the fifth time.

Waiting For The Right Time