Anxious Meeting
Understandably, Katie was feeling quite anxious about meeting Hannah’s biological mother. She knew that she had been a drug addict, at the expense of her children’s physical and mental development. What kind of person engaged in such activity, knowing full well that their children could be so drastically affected? Either way, it was time for a meeting. The second Katie saw her it became crystal clear that Hannah’s birth mother was also Grayson’s birth mother!

Anxious Meeting
Burning Questions
Katie simply knew this was the mother of both her children. Katie had developed something of a maternal instinct in the short time that she had been with Grayson and Hannah, and she had become strongly connected to the two kids. That is also why she found herself shaking with rage when she saw this woman walk in through her front door. However, she knew she would need to stay calm rather than ambushing her with the questions she so desperately wanted answers to.

Burning Questions