Confirming Suspicions
During the meeting, Hannah’s biological mother confirmed that she had given birth to a baby boy and gave him up without any records. This seems to have confirmed what Katie suspected right from the start. Too many people become irresponsibly pregnant without ever wishing to in the first place. They then begin abusing their children before they have even been born. Hannah and Grayson would never know how lucky they had been to find Katie.

Confirming Suspicions
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Katie asked as many questions as she could and discovered that this woman actually had even more children. What kind of irresponsible “mother” was this? One of which was a baby boy that had not been reported to authorities. This was the kind of person that lived outside of the reach of the law on the fringes of society. After discussing her findings with the caseworker, it was confirmed that the last name the biological mother gave matched that of someone that was related to Hannah.

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