The Perfect Payback For Mean Parkers – No Insurance Policy Cover These

Published on 06/04/2020

The Essence of Being Blocked

A lot of times, people arrive late to their venues because they noted they were blocked in, and, of course, we always wondered what they meant. Well, it turns out we now know what they mean as this photo depicts the rough essence of being “blocked in.” They were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The person who was trapped here was not going to have the easiest time getting out of this spot and unto the road. A lot of people may wonder what kind of person gets locked in these situations, but we are sure the answer is crystal clear.

The Essence Of Being Blocked

The Essence Of Being Blocked


Rainy Moment

This picture says a lot, and could we be fair to pass judgment or criticize this person? Well, yes, we can because they should know better. But what truly happened? It turned out on one rainy day, there was no parking slot except one that had a catch to it.
The empty spot wasn’t a parking spot but the space that held the shopping carts. Seeing it was raining, they thought it was the perfect time to get away with some wrongdoings and so they went under the covered-spot. But, can we blame the owner? Well, it was raining and nowhere else to go, so… Then to add to the mystery, there was a single cart parked in front.

Rainy Moment

Rainy Moment