The Perfect Payback For Mean Parkers – No Insurance Policy Cover These

Published on 06/04/2020

Genius Plan

Some people never learn from their bad faults. The rule to avoid parking in front of a fire hydrant is serious and should be kept at all costs. A lot of people tend to say, “the worst they can do to me for the bad parking is to give me a ticket, and most times they won’t even do that.” If while this person was talking, they believed that thought would be a reality…they have another guess coming. As the person went about their business, a fire broke, and the firemen were given limited options in reaching and connecting with the hydrant. The person didn’t get a ticket but may have to buy two windows, get their seats dry as well as repair other indoor damages caused by the excessive water.

Genius Plan

Genius Plan


Getting It

Is your Russian good? No? Well, mine neither. Words don’t have as much power as actions based on the popular saying, “actions speak louder than words.” Russia is one place where you have to pay close attention to how you park as it could affect you a great deal. If you are told, “keep off the grass,” you may want to follow that rule.
It is certainly not so cool to have a toilet stomped on the hood of your car, but it may be a great way to say you parked badly. Saying a good job comes in different forms, but again, this is Russia, so anything is possible.

Getting It

Getting It