These Superfoods Can Stop Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity, And So Much More

Published on 11/14/2018


With the onset of the age of vegetarianism (and to an extent, veganism), demand has skyrocketed for a protein supplement that could replace the nutritional value of meat. Enter soy. Soy products have exploded onto supermarket shelves and with their many varieties and flavors, the meatless diet has been easier than ever. Even soy milk products have been found to help reduce LDL cholesterol, in addition to being cholesterol-free. Soy is high in protein and low in saturated fats. It also contains high amounts of fiber and the same omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish.




Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a distinctively foul smell, but many celebrities swear by its efficacious powers. In fact, Beyonce has stated that she is a strong believer in its cleansing abilities. Diluting the vinegar with water before each meal has been shown to help promote weight loss. This brownish vinegar also has measurable health benefits. Research has shown that it helps lower both triglyceride and cholesterol levels, allowing for the natural reduction in blood pressure and creating a barrier against heart disease. If it’s good enough for Queen Bey, it’s good enough for us!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar