Catching Up Time
In spite of the fact that a significant amount of time had elapsed, they remained adamant about getting back together. His mother shared a great deal of her life’s history with him as she flipped through an old photo album that was full of images of him and his siblings. The two of them ultimately led lives that were not all that unlike one another in the end.
Myers discussed the experience of growing up with his adopted family, which included some of his most cherished childhood memories. In addition to this, he discussed the occasions in his life when things began to turn around for the better.
Disturbed And Hurt
When his mother found out about all of her son’s issues, it caused her a great deal of emotional distress. She sought solace in the thought that he was making progress in his life throughout the years, but when she discovered that this wasn’t the case, it caused her a great deal of pain.
She expressed her emotions to KPIX-5 by telling the station, “It makes me so sad to think of the things I got to do with his siblings and their kids.” Everything that they’ve encountered and accomplished up to this point in their lives. What benefits they have been able to get from it. When he told me about how horribly he had been treated, I felt like I was going to weep. I didn’t cry, but I felt like I was going to cry. The emotional anguish that results from never being accepted. On the other hand, they had reconciled their differences, so it was a positive development.