Homeless Man Discovers His True Identity When He Reached 67 Years Old

Published on 06/29/2022

Name Had Been Changed?

When Swalwell learned that the name Myers had been altered, he was taken aback by the news. At the time of his birth, he was given the name Gordon Michael Oakley. He did not really go by the moniker Mick Myers. Even Myers was taken aback by this information, given that he was completely unaware of it.

Name Had Been Changed

Name Had Been Changed

When a local news station learned about the event, it told the tale of the peculiar connection to entice a greater number of people to back the cause. Because of the success of this scheme, a private investigator by the name of Mark Askins decided to donate his services.


Meet Mark Askins

Mark Askins had spent a significant amount of time working in the area of investigations before becoming interested in the Myers case. He was used to dealing with situations such as this one since he had previously worked for a nonprofit organization known as “Miracle Message,” whose mission was to help formerly homeless persons reconnect with their families.

Meet Mark Askins

Meet Mark Askins

He contacted Swalwell and Myers and inquired about the possibility of the two of them assisting him in locating his biological family. In point of fact, this bestowed upon Myers a revitalized feeling of optimism.