Improvising In The Moment
As it was initially written, the conversation was meant to bring their “romance” to a conclusion of sorts, although what ended up happening in filming changed the course of the movie forever. Forgetting his lines, Cruise decided to go in for a kiss rather than starting over from the beginning of the scene. The director loved the scene, hence why it ended up in the final edit later. We love happy mistakes like these, and what coincidence that it became one of the most iconic kisses in Hollywood.

Improvising In The Moment
Stranger Things (2017)
Season 2 of Stranger Things introduced a budding young romance in the form of Lucas and Max, played by Caleb McLaughlin and Sadie Sink. As the season 2 started drawing to a close, the pair shared a sweet kiss, solidifying their feelings for each other and giving audiences what they had been waiting for all season. This is the kind of romantic payoff that makes the exruciating tension all worth it. We loved seeing these two cuties go through the motions.

Stranger Things