The Story Behind The Kiss
While the original script did not call for a kiss between Caleb and Sadie, it was the showrunners who first suggested that they have a kiss. According to insiders, this stressed Sadie out quite a bit. The showrunners later suggested that she had known about the kiss all along, and that it wasn’t completely spontaneous. Later she recalled that while it made her uncomfortable at first, she didn’t feel pressured into doing it in the end.

The Story Behind The Kiss
Lost in Translation (2003)
Popular at its time of release, Lost in Translation tells the story of a washed up Hollywood star (played by Bill Murray) and his interactions with a young woman called Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson). Set in the illustrious Tokyo, the climax of the film leads to him bidding her farewell in a sweet moment that ended with a kiss. This was a slow-burn, offbeat kind of romantic film that focused more on human relationships than intimacy.

Lost In Translation