Lucky Number (Season) 7
While Niles keeps his feelings to himself as first, if only for the fact that he is actually married at that point. After his divore, he doesn’t tell Daphne he likes her because she is mixed up in all kinds of other relationships. While obvious to the viewer, Daphne is kept in the dark all the way until season 7. When he finally confesses his feelings, we realise just how strongly he has grown to love her, and the result is a kiss that is as memorable as it was long. Expected, perhaps, but electrifying nevertheless.

Lucky Number
American Hustle (2013)
American Hustle was a star-studded film including character portrayals by Christian Bale, Amy Adams, and Jennifer Lawrence. The story revolves around the life of a con artist called Irving Rosenfeld, his partner Sydney Prosser as well as his wife Rosalyn. The scene in question does not involve Irving and his wife, however. The steamy moment involves Amy and Jennifer, in fact! We love it when unexpected romances like these pop out of nowhere.

American Hustle