The Kiss of a Maniac
In the scene, Mrs. Rosenfeld (Adams) kisses Prosser (Lawrence) angrily before breaking away and laughing like a maniac. The idea is credited to Amy Adams, who talked to the director about it before and didn’t give Jennifer a heads up about it. As you can imagine, it led to a spontaneous reaction and the scene was better than they could have imagined it would ever be. The moment played out perfectly and is memorable for its unique nature.

The Kiss Of A Maniac
Love Actually (2003)
Love Actually has got to be one of the most iconic romantic comedies in history, albeit that the storyline can be somewhat simple and at times frustrating to watch (especially if you’re going through a breakup). These types of films want you to believe in love even though there is no guarantee that it will actually work out. Rom Coms typically also don’t tell you what happens after the climactic kiss in the final scene, leaving that to the imagination and up to fantasy.

Love Actually