The Surprise From Emily
While history shows that the producers were keen on a kiss between the pair, they had a hard time placing a good moment and filming the right scene for where it may be appropriateThey didn’t have to do much planning. Emily Blunt is said to have taken the reins, planting a kiss on her co-star to his surprise and the astonishment of the crew. As it turned out, this added another layer to the film, and ended up being one of the more memorable moments of the picture altogether.

The Surprise From Emily
Game of Thrones (2011)
Game of Thrones has become a cult classic since it first hit our screens in 2011, and while season 7 might not rank as one of the best of the bunch, there were major twists that brought plenty of excitement along for the ride. One of the most memorable moments included a kiss between Ellaria Sand and Yara Greyjoy, played by Indira Varma and Gemma Whelan respectively. As it turns out, the kiss was completely unrehearsed!

Game Of Thrones