Getting Long-awaited Closure
Hurney also had an interview with CNN during the same period, and she noted the discovery was a breakthrough for them as it brought closure and answers to mind-boggling questions and concerns. Knowing where the Grayback had sunk came as a healing remedy for relatives as they can now open up and share their stories. At first, Hurney noted the discovery came as a shock and was heart-rending, but as time passed, it became a bit more relaxing and comforting for them.

Getting Long Awaited Closure
Relative with a Mission to Find Lost Boat
Another relative of a victim is Kathy Taylor, whose uncle and godfather, Patrick King, was an electrician’s mate, third class. Taylor noted she had always had the determination to find out what happened to her uncle, where he was, and how much she would keep his memory alive. Even after all these years, her faith had been kept alive. She made this touching tribute while on an interview with ABC News.

Relative With A Mission To Find Lost Boat