One of Many Missing Submarines
For years to come, the discovery of the Grayback will be a fascinating one. However, it’s not the only sad wreckage story to have been discovered like the Grayback. The Minerve, a French submarine, was a mysterious discovery after it went missing two decades after the Grayback. It, too, was discovered 51 years ago and was in a “ghost” form when divers stumbled upon it. It took another incredible pioneering effort to rediscover this fallen vessel.

One Of Many Missing Submarines
The Search for Minerve Began
July 2019 was set to accomplish a feat no one else wanted to do. The Seabed Constructor crew went beneath the Mediterranean with underwater-controlled drones (over 9000 feet). The team was searching for Minerve, the French submarine that went missing in January 1968 with its 52-crew member. As they checked the records on the drones, they noticed one had hit the jackpot after it stumbled upon a wreckage site. Interestingly enough, the letters “MIN” were printed on the part of the wreckage. At last, the missing sub was found, more than a century after it went mysteriously out of site and off-radar.

The Search For Minerve Began