When Movie Productions Do Their Research And Bring History To Life

Published on 04/27/2022

The Passion Of Joan Of Arc

The earliest movie on the listing is really flexing its age because no voice can be heard from it. It depicts the final moments of the famous Joan of Arc’s existence in cinema. We understand your concern: surely they would have had plenty of difficulties in presenting the movie in a factual and realistic manner, but to tell you the truth, they were able to do a pretty good job.

The Passion Of Joan Of Arc

The Passion Of Joan Of Arc

Joan’s biography was surprisingly and remarkably well chronicled for her period. Because Joan truly was such an intriguing personality, many sectors of the society had their eye on her: the government, the Church, the academe, all had their eye on her.


Bohemian Rhapsody

Hands down amongst the most popular musical films in recent years. This biopic movie depicts the journey of Queen’s frontman, Freddy Mercury who had a very colorful life. The film chronicled his journey from being a bag man for an airport to meeting his future bandmates, all his struggles with drugs and sexuality, till their iconic performance for Live Aid.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Bohemian Rhapsody

Actor Remi Malek, was deeply appreciated and recognized for his performance as Mercury, plays the character. The lead guitar and the drummer of the band were responsible for ensuring that the movie stayed true to the journey that Mercury had.