The 100 Most Phenomenal Sports Pictures Ever

Published on 03/01/2021

Lew Alcindor

April 1, 1968 – Final Four. Fans of the historical player, Lew Alcindor, will appreciate this vintage Sports Illustrated cover showing the UCLA baller pulling off his classic skyhook. Huston sadly stood no chance against Alcindor and his team, losing 101-69 as the national semifinals came to a thrilling close. Better known as “The Game of the Century”, Alcindor and company would secure the vengeance for their January loss against UCLA when the Bruins concluded their seventh consecutive securing of the national title.

Lew Alcindor

Lew Alcindor


Vasily Alexeyev

January 1969 – Clean & Jerk. Vasily Alexeyev of Russia powers through a 1969 weightlifting competition as he clears through a supernatural Clean & Jerk. The 70s were an unprecedentedly monumental time for Alexeyev, as the years 1970 to 1977 saw the king himself smash 80 world records. As few have ever managed to match Alexeyev’s overall performance, he is still to this day known as the best weightlifter in the heavyweight bracket ever to pick up weights.

Vasily Alexeyev

Vasily Alexeyev