Penélope Cruz Filming Jamón Jamón – 1992
Here is 18-year-old Penelope Cruz after she migrated from Madrid to New York City. Right after landing in the United States, the actress got her first major role in the film Jamon Jamon. She acted alongside Javier Bardem, who would later become her husband, and other young actors and actresses trying to make their way in the industry. After going through the years and building her career and her relationship, she and Bardem got married in 2010 and shared two children

Penelope Cruz Filming Jamon Jamon 1992
Liv Tyler
Like many actresses who probably know or don’t know their father, Liv Tyler managed to discover hers at about eight years old. So, how did it happen? Growing up, Liv understood that her mother had her at a pretty young and tender age, but she was accepted by her family and loved and well taken care of. But, after seeing Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, Liv realized she had a striking resemblance to him, and after going to a concert and seeing one of Steven’s daughters, who was a year younger than her, she almost said she had a twin.

Liv Tyler