Troll Sportcoupé
The Norwegian company, Troll Pastik & Bilindustri, are responsible for this one. They attempted to build a car, using fiberglass for the body as the material has various benefits, like being lightweight and being resistant to rust. The engineering was fine but the design was an utter failure so that this model was only produced between 1956 and 1958.

Troll Sportcoupé
Hyundai Tiburon
This car is known by a number of names, officially it’s called the Hyundai Tiburon, but in Europe, it is often called the Hyundai Coupe. In Spanish, the word ‘Tiburon’ translates as ‘shark’, and it is true to say that this car does have the resemblance of a rather unlucky looking shark.

Hyundai Tiburon