Cars That Hurt to Look At

Published on 03/24/2019

Brubaker Box

Whoever is responsible for this abomination is award-worthy for at least giving it a name that suits it perfectly, other than that they may deserve another award for creating one of the ugliest cars out there. Seriously, it resembles a child’s drawing of a van that came to life; it’s basically a strangely shaped box on wheels.

Brubaker Box

Brubaker Box


Reliant Robin

This is a classic ugly car, resembling a mix between a car, a motorcycle and a boat, but not in a good way. Despite its ugliness, the Reliant Robin was one of the best-selling fiberglass cars ever made. It was made in 1973 to replace the Reliant Regal, not in any regal sense though considering how ugly it is.

Reliant Robin

Reliant Robin